
1972 M.Ed., University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Dept. of Human Development and Learning

1970 Studied with sculptor Isamu Noguchi, Long Island City, NY, and Kansas City, KS

1969 B.A., English, Loyola University, Baltimore, MD


2017- Curator-in-Residence, Emeritus , Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), Baltimore

2011-2016 Director, MFA in Curatorial Practice (CP); Instructor, Graduate Thesis and Seminar, MICA

1998-2011 Curator-in-Residence, MICA: Instructor, Exhibition Development Seminar: The Curatorial Experience (EDS);  Coordinator, Curatorial Studies Concentration; undergrad studio and grad thesis crits;  Art History lecturer; Exhibitions Committee; MFA in Community Arts Mentor

1997-1998  Guest Curator and Adjunct Instructor, MICA

1996-1998  Art Education Consultant, Board of Education, Howard County, MD 

1989-1996  Founder/Director, The Contemporary (a museum-without-walls), Baltimore 

1985-1989  Director/Owner, George Ciscle Gallery, Baltimore 

1976-1985  Teacher/Coordinator, Career Oriented Programs (C.O.P.), Baltimore County Public Schools 

1974-1976 Fine Arts Instructor, State College Public Schools, PA 

1972-1973  Director, New Community School, Coburn, PA 

1969-1972  Fine Arts Coordinator, Cardinal Gibbons High School, Baltimore 

Curatorial Experience


Baltimore Museum of Art (2022-2024)

Guest Curator

Eyewinkers, Tumbleturds and Candelbugs: The Art of Elizabeth Talford Scott; Curatorial Consultant, Elizabeth Talford Scott Community Initiative

Maryland Institute College of Art (1998 - 2008)

Exhibition Development Seminar (EDS)

2008 Beyond the Compass, Beyond the Square

Project Director

Inspired by Walters Art Museum’s “Finding Our Place in the World”. Site-specific work in Mt. Vernon Square; community collaborations, performances, tours, and interventions

2007 At Freedom’s Door: Challenging Slavery in Maryland 

Project Director and Curator 

Struggle for freedom viewed from dual perspective of contemporary artists and historical material. Collaboration with Morgan State University students at Maryland Historical Society and Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African American History and Culture

2005 Lawson Oyekan and the spirit of nature 

Project Director and Curator 

Sculpture by Nigerian ceramic artist, anchoring 16 MICA international exhibits with NCECA conference; state- wide teacher workshops ; curriculum initiatives

2004 Comics on the Verge 

Project Director 

40 comics artists; collaborative exhibits at Creative Alliance, Park School and UMBC Albin Kuhn Library

2003  Everlasting: Sound and Video Installation by Ann Fessler

Project Director and Curator 

Oral histories of birth mothers who gave up children for adoption formed basis for installation; symposium; satellite exhibit and curricular initiative at McDonogh School

2002 Marlborough Art Project

Project Director

Research by senior residents of historic apartment building informed their art projects that became incorporated into the re-development of their Community Room

2001 Situated Realities: Where Technology and Imagination Intersect 

Project Director 

30 artists explored the imaginative possibilities of the computed image; artist residents Lilla LoCurto and Bill Outcault for curricular initiative and satellite exhibit at Park School

2000 Joyce J. Scott: Kickin’ It with the Old Masters 

Project Director and Curator 

BMA with MICA; 30-year survey; site-specific installation; residency in community art programs; 2004-2007: Toured by ExhibitsUSA    

1999 Subject to Change, Parts I and II

Project Director and Curator 

Linda Bills, Jann Rosen-Queralt and Jason Swift created work that welcomed audience participation; Reinstalled as Part II after feedback from artists, students and public

1998 Eyewinkers, Tumbleturds and Candlebugs: The Art of Elizabeth Talford Scott

Project Director and Curator 

50-year retrospective of renowned fiber artist; satellite exhibit with works from 3 city senior and 3 after-school recreation centers ; Toured by MICA

The Contemporary, Baltimore (1989-1996)

1996 Ignisfatuus: An Installation by Paul Etienne Lincoln


Intricate glass organs that “bloomed” with lunar cycle, synchronized with recordings of diva Rosa Ponselle; 1880 Conservatory in Druid Hill Park; collaboration with 6 partners

1995 Going for Baroque

Project Director 

Collaboration with Walters Art Museum, juxtaposing works by 18 contemporary artists fascinated by 17th and 18th centuries with related works from museum

1995 Can-ton: The Baltimore Series: New Paintings by Hung Liu

Project Director

Artist’s quest to understand city’s historical connections to China; at Canton National Bank; satellite exhibit at Peale Museum

1995 Labor of Love: Exhibition by Willie Cole

Project Director 

Compared history of industry with the contemporary issue of the birth industry (contraception, fertility and delivery); collaboration with Baltimore Museum of Industry 

1994  Contemporary East European Ceramics

Project Director 

70 artists from 15 former Eastern Bloc countries at historic St. Stanislaus Convent; collaboration with MICA and Baltimore Clayworks 

1994 Home and the World: Architectural Sculptures by Aboudrame and Bodys Kingelez 

Project Director 

Three-part exhibition centered around South African artists’ works in relationship to works of 2 Maryland communities and African collection of the James E. Lewis Museum

1994 Catfish Dreamin’: An Installation on Wheels by Alison Saar


Exploration of cultural functions of a single symbol, traveled on vintage pickup truck for 7 months to 80 partner sites in 4 states; interactive programs by driver/art educator

1992-1993  Mining the Museum: An Installation by Fred Wilson

Project Director 

Collaboration with and at Maryland Historical Society. Investigated African American and Native Americans in Maryland using objects from museum’s collection

1991 Soul Shadows: Urban Warrior Myths

Project Director 

Dawn Dedeaux’s multi-media installation; works from workshops conducted by 6 Maryland artists-in-residence at Woodbourne Center, a multi-service facility for children  

1991 Photo Manifesto: Contemporary Photography in the USSR


Explored culture of Soviet Union and changing identity of country and its people; 240 photographs by 45 “unofficial” artists; former Greyhound Bus Garage; bi-lingual texts

1990  Visual AIDS

Project Director 

200 works by artists from 35 states and 3 countries exhibited with audience responses in The Famous Ballroom; collaboration with city-wide health care providers who were recipients of artists’ donated works in their offices, homes and hospices afterwards

1989-1990 OUTCRY: Artists Answer AIDS

Project Director and Curator 

12 artists commissioned for ArtScape; sponsored by Mayor’ Office of the Arts. Toured to Arlington Arts Center, VA; and Goucher College, Baltimore

Additional Curatorial Projects (1985-2024)

2024 The Unknown Paintings of Peter Scholleck, Arting Gallery, Baltimore, MD

2019 Studio Resident Biennial, School 33 Art Center, Baltimore, MD ; Catalog

2014 AIDS Unanswered, Co- curator, Arlington Arts Center, VA 

2005 Baltimore Magazine  See Hear: Baltimore by its Artists with John Lewis, February

2005 Plastic Bag, Korean and American artists. Ssamziegil, Seoul 

1996. Biennial, Co-curator, Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington 

1996 A 15-Year Survey of Baltimore Art, Co-curator, ArtScape, Baltimore, MD 

1990 Life Works of John Englehart, Co-curator with Lyle Kissack, BAUhouse, Baltimore

1989 OUTCRY: Artists Answer AIDS, Artscape, Baltimore, MD

1988 Kindred Spirits, Trabia-MacAfee Gallery, New York, NY 

1987 Benefit Exhibition, Co-curator, Maryland Art Place, Baltimore

1987 Keith Martin Retrospective, Washington County Museum of Fine Arts, Hagerstown, MD and Academy of the Arts, Easton, MD; Catalog

1986 Collage: Fragments of an Inner Vision, Washington County Museum of Fine Arts, Hagerstown

1985-1989 George Ciscle Gallery, 32 solo and 10 thematic group exhibitions 

Community Work

2022- Advisory Board, The Tabb Research Center (JHU Sheridan Libraries Special Collections)

2021-2022 Steering Committee, Mellon Project, Baltimore Museum of Art

2019- Advisory Committee, Peabody Ballroom Experience

2019- DEAI Committee, Baltimore Clayworks

2018-  DEAI Committee, Greater Baltimore Cultural Alliance (GBCA)

2018- Collections Committee, Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African American History and Culture

2017- The Arc Baltimore  Develop and coordinate gallery tours and hands-on workshops at BMA, The Walters, Baltimore Clayworks, and School 33; artist mentorship program; MICA Arc/CP Fellowship 

2018-2019  Coach, Hamiltonian Fellowship Program, D.C. 

2017-2019  Board of Trustees and co -chair DEAI Committee, Baltimore Clayworks 

2017-2020 Advisory Council, Urban Arts Leadership

2016 Civic Practice National Task Force, City of Philadelphia 

2011-2012 Program Committee, Association of African American Museums Conference 

2011 NEA Our Town Program Advisory Committee, Station North, Baltimore 

2009-2012 Museum Advisory Committee, Baltimore American Indian Center 

2003-2005 Advisory Committee, Maryland ArtSource 

2002-2004 Board of Trustees (Founding) and Programs Chair, GBCA 

2004 Host Committee, Tour de Clay, in conjunction with NCECA

2000-2001 Artists’ Portfolio Reviews, College Arts Association Conference, Mentor

1999 Symposium and Action Plan Committees, Baltimore Arts Advocate 

1994-1996 Mayor’s Arts & Culture Committee, Howard Street Task Force, Baltimore 

1995 Advisory Board, Capp Street Project, San Francisco, CA 

1990-1995 Benefit Committee, Maryland Art Place, Baltimore 

1988-1994 Board of Trustees (Founding), American Visionary Arts Museum, Baltimore 

1992 Host Committee, American Association of Museums, Annual Conference, Baltimore 

1991 Outreach Committee, Baltimore Area Grantmakers

1990 Benefit Committee, Human Rights Campaign Fund, Baltimore 

1989 Sponsor, AIDS Action Baltimore Benefit, George Ciscle Gallery

1988 Sponsor, Amnesty International Benefit, George Ciscle Gallery

1987 Sponsor, Art AIDS Benefit (HERO), George Ciscle Gallery

1987 Board of Trustees, Urban Design Council, Baltimore


2022 Artemis/Bast Commission, Consulting Advisor, Baltimore Museum of Art

2019-2024 Art in the Round, The Arc Baltimore

2016 Regional Biennial, Rehoboth Art League 

2011 Philadelphia Mural Arts Program’s Visiting Curators Initiative

2004 Maryland Artists Equity Foundation Winners Circle Exhibition 

2004 Tour de Clay, 165 international exhibitions, NCECA, Baltimore-D.C. 

2003 Annual Members Exhibition, Delaware Center for Contemporary Arts, Wilmington 

2003 City Community Arts Grants, Baltimore Office of Promotion and the Arts 

2002 Museum Grants, National Endowment for the Arts, D.C. 

2002 Artist Fellowships, Delaware State Arts Council, Wilmington 

2002- 2005 Art in Architecture Program, General Services Administration, D.C. 

1999 Annual Exhibition, Artworks, New Bedford, MA 

1999 Courthouse Square Public Art, Arlington Commission on the Arts, VA 

1996 Baltimore/Washington International Airport Sculpture Competition 

1995-1999 Organizational and Artists Residency Grants, New Jersey State Arts Council, Trenton

1993-1994 Lila Wallace Reader’s Digest/Arts International, Artist Residency and Travel Grants, NY

1993 Visual Arts Organization Grants, Maryland State Arts Council


2022 “Legacies: Maurice Berger and Fred Wilson”, UMBC, Moderator

2021 “Curating in Community”, UMBC

2020 -2022 Curators’ Night, The Arc Baltimore’s Art in the Round gala

2017 In Conversation with Fred Wilson, 25th Anniversary of Mining the Museum, MICA

2016 “Museums Now”, Johns Hopkins University Museum & Society Department, Panelist

2016 Distinguished Artist Interview (Joyce Scott), College Arts Association Conference, Interviewer

2016 In Conversation with Alison Saar, 25th Anniversary of Catfish Dreamin’, MICA

2015 Baltimore Racial Justice Action, Speaker

2014 K @20 Anniversary, The Kreeger Museum, Washington, D.C., Panelist

2013 “What We Talk about When We Talk about Race”

2013 “Experimental Projects in Museums”, American Alliance of Museums Conference, Moderator

2012 “Curatorial Practice and Social Engagement”, University of Minnesota 

2012 “Collaborative Partnerships for Museums and Academia”, Assoc of African American Museums

2011 “Creative Tactics for Telling Critical Stories”, Fair Development Conference 

2010 “Collections and Communities”, Johns Hopkins University 

2009 “Collecting Experiences”, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, England 

2009 Keisho Art Association, Tokushima, Japan 

2009 Ontario School of Art and Design, Toronto 

2009 Rhode Island School of Design, Providence 

2006 “What is a Curator?” University of Maryland at College Park 

2006 “Museum Muses”, National Academy of Sciences, D.C. 

2005 Center for Emerging Visual Artists, Philadelphia, Panelist 

2004 “Interdisciplinarity in Visual Arts Education”, AICAD Symposium, Tuscon, AZ 

2003 “Local, not Provincial”, Conference on Imagination and Place, Lawrence, KA

2002-2005 National Register of Peer Professionals, General Services Administration 

2001 Joseph Bueys and Green Initiatives Symposium, UMBC, Baltimore, Moderator

2000 “Artist in the Museum”, American Association of Museums Conference 

1999 “People and Places in Time: Baltimore’s Changing Landscape”, Univ of Baltimore Conference 

1999 “Artists and Communities”, Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation 

1996 International Seminar, Museo da Republica, Rio de Janero, Brazil 

1995 Community Arts, General Services Administration, D.C., Panelist

1993 Maryland Art Educators Association Conference, Baltimore 

1990 Maryland Art Place, Baltimore, Panelist


2018 Volunteer Service Award, The Arc Baltimore 

2017 Residency, Studios of Key West, FL 

2017 Alvin Myerberg Vanguard Award, MICA

2017 Medal of Honor, MICA 

2014 Research Residency, St. Mary’s College, St. Mary’s City, MD 

2009 Research Residency, St. Mary’s College, St. Mary’s City, MD 

2007 Distinguished Arts Administrator Award, National Council of Arts Administrators 

2002 Certificate of Appreciation, U. S. General Services Administration, Public Building Service

1996 Governor’s Citation, Maryland 

1993 Mayor’s Citation, Baltimore 

1992 Presidential Citation, City of Baltimore